Our professional shareholder representation services team is purpose-built to ensure the depth and breadth of skills required to solve post-closing problems in common and uncommon deal situations and achieve the best possible outcomes for shareholders. See how our team of experts goes beyond the expected to solve problems for clients in the videos above.
Shareholder Rep Case Study: Million-Dollar Escrow Dispute Resolved in European Deal
View Video TranscriptMy name is Ana Samarjian. I'm a senior director with the Shareholder Representation Team here at SRS Aquiom. Prior to starting at SRS Aquiom, I worked at a large international law firm where I handled high-value disputes.
Having this background and experience helps me act as a stable guiding hand for our clients who are often facing litigation or disputes for the first time. I was working on a case with a set of shareholders who were facing one of the scariest situations shareholders can face.
They were being sued by the buyer for breaching the purchase agreement, and a group of them were also being sued for fraud, where the buyer was demanding the entire multimillion-dollar escrow account and to take back some of the purchase price. SRS Acquiom was brought in to act as the shareholder representative for the selling shareholders in this dispute. The shareholders needed the guidance and expertise of SRS Acquiom because lawyers in our group have more experience working on these scenarios than anyone else.
We had selling shareholders from all over the world, including Europe, Asia, and the U.S., none of whom were based in the U.K., and we had a conflict of interest brewing among a set of the shareholders.
What made this even more interesting is that we were facing a litigation in London courts under English law. The shareholders were nervous facing this litigation because none of them had been sued before, and they were relieved when SRS Acquiom came in with the ability to handle the litigation, hold their hands through the process, and navigate the complexities of dealing with an English law based dispute in a foreign jurisdiction.
Our team of lawyers here at SRS Acquiom handle more post-closing disputes with buyers than anyone else, and our litigation expertise allows us to guide our clients in understanding the steps of the process, how long it will take, the possible on and off ramps for litigation, the possibility of settlement and creative problem solving, to get on the same page with each other, and to convince the buyer to get on the same page with us.
The parties got together on the morning of the mediation, and we were there until late into the night working on trying to find a middle ground and a resolution that could end the litigation.
Getting to yes, in this situation required a deep understanding of the litigation process, knowing what the priorities were of our clients, the shareholders, and the buyer, and being able to negotiate across cultures, languages, time zones, in an effort to try to get us all on the same page. After 14 hours of negotiating, we were able to reach a settlement. The settlement allowed us to end the litigation, dismiss the lawsuit against the shareholders, and allowed the shareholders to reclaim the vast majority of the multi-million dollar escrow account.
We scheduled this mediation one year into the litigation and were able to resolve it right there. If it weren't for this, this lawsuit could have gone on for years. Tying up the shareholders' money and time, getting all the shareholders on the same page when they had different interests would've been nearly impossible if not for the experience of SRS Acquiom.
About the video — Shareholders in a global deal were facing a scary situation with an escrow account worth tens of $ U.S. millions at stake. The buyer was demanding the return of the entire escrow and to reclaim a portion of the purchase price. The team at SRS Acquiom expertly navigated litigation with multiple parties, shareholder differences of opinion, and buyer negotiation to successfully resolve this issue and to keep the escrow terms and purchase price intact. Learn more in the video above.
Shareholder Rep Case Study: $100k Working Capital Deficit Becomes a $2MM Gain for Sellers
View Video TranscriptSRS Acquiom was able to take a $100,000 positive adjustment and turn it into a $2,000,000 result for the sellers without any outside expense.
My name is Casey McTigue. I went to law school at UC Berkeley. It was private-practice litigator for several years and I joined SRS Acquiom in 2013. Since then, I personally worked on several 100 litigations and earnout disputes with the company, and I now am the Managing Director of the Shareholder Representation product. SRS Acquiom handles a bunch of different parts of post-closing merger transactions.
One thing that people hire us for is working capital adjustments and PPAs as we like to call them. We do several hundred of these a year, this particular transaction, billion-dollar deal, no indemnification escrow. So, no claims coming in that we expect. It will really just engage your working capital adjustment. On a billion-dollar deal, sometimes the adjustments are very, very large. This time the adjustment came in at $100,000 in favor of the sellers, which in this compared to the size of the deal, was very small. It turned out that.
As in many cases, the sellers are fine with just accepting that number, but we always like to do a deeper dive just to make sure first thing that we do when we get an adjustment, one of our CPA's or Chartered Accountants from the UK, will take a look and kind of kick the tires and it just takes 30 minutes in most cases and what they found here were a few red flags. They can then send that adjustment to the investors and make a recommendation whether we should investigate further or not. And here we did recommend that we investigate further. And when we did investigate it further, we found a couple key issues.
So those red flags turned out to be real red flags. So here we were able to quickly identify $3 million that we should be getting. There's a clear dispute mechanism in the agreement that we could go after them for, but the parties in the end come together and to avoid all that and avoid expensive any outside parties, settle for $2,000,000.
Quickly get that out to the seller group without any outside expense incurred. In the end, everybody left happy. I think the buyer was happy that the issue was resolved correctly. The seller group was very happy that no outside expense was incurred, and we maintained as always, our solid working relationship with all parties, buyers, sellers, and the Seller Counsel.
About the video — On a $1B M&A deal with no indemnification escrow, the SRS Acquiom team was engaged by the seller to review a $100k purchase price adjustment (PPA) increase from the buyer. Without any additional expense, the SRS Acquiom team identified several items requiring review, including accrual calculations and current asset receivables. As a result of this review, the SRS Acquiom team negotiated a $2 Million settlement—viewed as a fair and equitable solution by all parties. Learn more in the video above.
Shareholder Rep Case Study: Seven-Figure Sexual Harassment Claim
View Video TranscriptMy name is Michelle Kirkpatrick. I'm an attorney at SRS Acquiom. I went to Berkeley for law school. After I graduated, I started a two-year federal clerkship. During the clerkship, I handled over a hundred different mediations, but also handled a lot of litigation as well. I left the clerkship. I started at the world's largest labor unemployment law firm, where I handled mostly litigation, but also some advice and counsel and I left that firm and came to SRS Acquiom. I was in Delaware. I was leaving mediation and I got a call from one of the folks on our team. Right before closing, there had been an allegation against the CEO of the target company of sexual harassment. They were very worried, obviously an allegation of this magnitude is concerning. They were feeling defensive, they were feeling nervous. They were feeling upset.
So I got right on the phone with the client and I started talking with them. We started developing a strategy immediately. They had not set aside very much money in their expense fund, so I knew we could not rely heavily on outside counsel for this. I knew this was something that I needed to manage very closely myself. We did partner with some experts, and move the matter into a confidential mediation but going into that mediation, our outside counsel actually got a phone call. There had been a family emergency, she needed to leave. So this, you know, under normal circumstances probably would've stopped the mediation. If I had not been there, there wouldn't have been an attorney in the room able to handle this, but thankfully I was there. I was able to step in and help the accuser.
They wanted a million dollars. But on the other side of it, you know, our clients were sitting there believing that they had done nothing wrong, but I knew from my vantage point that for the shareholders, we couldn't let that emotion carry the day. I knew that we had to step in and reach a resolution that was going to benefit all of the shareholders. I was able to talk with my clients and convince them based on my experience that litigation was not going to be the most productive path. I knew that if we went down that road, we would need to raise money, which they weren't interested in doing and I knew that if we allowed their emotions to dictate the experience, we were going to have real problems. I was also able to navigate the mediator and the other side and, and get them down to a resolution, below six figures.
So a tenth of the original demand, the great news is that we settled it that day. There were no other claims in the deal and we were able to release the escrow right on schedule without having to spend almost any money and without any further issue. They had just bought this company, they didn't want this liability. They didn't want litigation. And they didn't want to have to handle it. So they were very, very pleased when I got to call them later that day and say, this is taken care of, the problem solved.
About the video — Shortly before closing, a seller was faced with a sexual harassment allegation and request for a seven-figure claim. Our seasoned shareholder advisory team immediately stepped in at a time of emergency to de-escalate the situation through confidential mediation, and negotiate a settlement to one-tenth of the requested amount – removing concern for the new buyer and allowing for the release of escrow on schedule. Learn more in the video above.
Shareholder Rep Case Study: Missed Tech Milestone Nets Nearly $73 Million for Shareholders
View Video TranscriptMy name is Janelle Dixon, and I'm a director in the shareholder advisory group here at SRS Acquiom. Prior to joining SRS Acquiom, I was a litigator in a commercial litigation firm.
In this particular situation, this was a life sciences technology group that had been acquired by an international buyer. The deal included an upfront payment along with three separate milestones that would be paid out in the event. Certain milestones were hit. Initially, the first milestone was easily attained. Everyone was extremely excited and ecstatic about the work that had been put into the technology. But shortly thereafter, it became clear that perhaps the second two milestones were not going to be hit, and perhaps buyer was not adhering to the terms outlined by the merger.
Selling a business is scary, and when you approach a situation where a buyer has gone blank and isn't answering your questions, that can become even scarier. The thing that sets SRS Acquiom apart in dealing with cases like this is our in-house experts. So we aren't farming out work. We are working hard to understand the issues. We're not project managing the issues. Instead, we're rolling up our sleeves and getting involved. We're asking the tough questions before problems arise, and then we're solving the problem once they've been identified.
On behalf of the shareholders, we effectuated timely communication. We spearheaded the strategy of the litigation process. We negotiated costs on their behalf, and we attended the arbitration on their behalf. Shareholders know that SRS Acquiom is not going to abandon them. We're not going to leave them hanging. We're gonna see them through and we're gonna guide them in a way that leads them to a resolution that everyone can be happy with.
So at the end of the arbitration process, we received an award on behalf of the shareholders for approximately $73 million. That award included a milestone payout recovery of attorney's fees, recovery of interest, and cost associated with bringing the claim. Problem solved.
About the video — Shareholders involved in a complex life sciences technology deal were concerned that the buyer was avoiding milestone payments and failing to adhere to the terms of the transaction. The team at SRS Acquiom spearheaded a litigation strategy and provided expert, hands-on guidance and support throughout the arbitration process. Shareholders were ultimately awarded their missing milestone payment as well as attorneys’ fees and costs, for a total of $73 million. Learn more in the video above.
Shareholder Rep Case Study: $130M Milestone Achievement Win for BioPharma Shareholders
View Video TranscriptMy name is Elizabeth LaVance and I'm a director in the Shareholder Advisory Group at SRS Acquiom. Prior to working at SRS Acquiom, I worked in a private litigation firm. I litigated for about 10 years before working here.
This matter concerned a transaction that had over a billion dollars in value. There was about $800 million that was due for payment to the former shareholders of the company through milestones. There were eight milestones to be exact. When we were informed that buyer was not planning to make the milestone payment and that buyer had terminated the program that would've resulted in the achievement of milestones two through eight, their shareholders were very frustrated because they had a huge stake in the achievement of the milestones, and they had worked from the ground up at this company.
So one of the things that SRS Acquiom can provide is that we have attorneys on staff that help look at these complex milestone issues from the very beginning. The shareholders were very thankful to have SRS Acquiom on their side in helping to navigate the post-closing process.
It's a very complicated and scientific process behind the scenes, which can be rather opaque, and it's very difficult to navigate if you don't have a lot of experience in being able to pick up on the legal issues and where the most successful claims may lie.
The former shareholders of the company were extremely happy with the result. Not only did they receive this huge damages award with the potential for more, but they were vindicated in their lawsuit against buyer.
With SRS Acquiom leading the way, an efficient path forward was eminently clear. Problem solved.
About the video — Shareholders with $800 million at stake in a life sciences deal were frustrated when the buyer was unable to develop the groundbreaking technology they had purchased — and terminated all eight milestone payments as a result. With the post-closing expertise of SRS Acquiom, the shareholders were able to secure $130 million in damages for the first missed milestone payments, with the potential for additional payments in the future.
Learn more about our Professional Shareholder Representation services.