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In the context of recession concerns, inflation, and rising interest rates, how are M&A professionals viewing the climate for M&A activity in 2023? SRS Acquiom recently surveyed more than 200 M&A professionals for their views. The survey of leaders from law firms, investment banks, strategic and financial buyers, private equity and venture capital firms took place between January 10 and 18, 2023, revealing insights on such topics as:
- The outlook for private-target M&A activity in 2023
- Sectors in which the greatest private-target M&A activity will occur in 2023
- The outlook for distressed M&A in 2023
- Factors that will drive M&A opportunity in 2023
- Perspective on whether it will be harder or easier to leverage M&A deals in 2023 (secure debt as part of the financing)
- The 2023 outlook for IPO demand, and sector(s) that will be most active
- Views on mega/unicorn (>$IB) IPOs in 2023
- Perspective on a U.S. economic downturn in 2023
- Industries most negatively impacted by U.S. economic conditions in 2023