
A Distressed Loan Market Shouldn’t Cause Stress

Facing a prolonged higher-interest-rate environment, the SRS Acquiom Loan Agency team explores macroeconomic conditions and their effects on the leveraged loan market in the coming months.

Amid weaker market conditions and rising interest rates, demand for leveraged loans has declined. Ratings of debt by companies that obtained loans during the record-setting prime of 2021 are being placed on negative watch and even downgraded, with some edging into distressed territory. Questions linger regarding a recession and many say we may avoid one altogether. What does this mean for deal parties?

Liquid markets enabled record M&A activity in 2021, which drove up purchase-price multiples as well as leverage multiples. Appetite for investors to hold risky debt in addition to the ultralow interest-rate environment contributed to weakened lender protections in credit agreements. Against the choppier backdrop now, stress measurements are rising, and these very loans are at risk of downgrade.

Companies with negative-ratings outlooks are vulnerable to recessionary pressures, sustained inflation, and other macroeconomic blows from the economy. Loans become distressed when uncertainty emerges about a borrower’s ability to make its payments according to the terms of the credit agreement.

The Fed Factor

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to 5.25 to 5.5% currently. At its July 25 meeting the Fed approved an interest rate hike that takes benchmark borrowing costs to a record-high level in more than 22 years.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to 5 to 5.25% currently. At its June 14 meeting the Fed left rates unchanged, although updated its projections to show a median of two additional rate hikes for the rest of the year in the face of increasing expectations for growth and inflation. Rates stand at a 16-year high. The effects of tighter credit conditions on households and businesses are “likely to weigh on economic activity, hiring and inflation,” according to the June 14 Fed statement. Floating rates, which made loans an attractive asset class to investors in a rising interest-rate environment now require highly leveraged companies to allocate more cash flow to debt service.

All of these factors weigh on business investment and growth. Companies may need to deleverage to avoid a default, while a recession may also slow their ability to pay down debt. Companies with a high total debt-to-earnings ratio will suffer in a recession, with a hit to their profit margins, increasing the likelihood of distressed exchanges and missed interest payments. Recovery rates may also suffer from a recession, with creditors recouping significantly less than face value if their loan should default.

For now, deals are getting done. Although banks are increasingly reluctant to lend because of economic uncertainty, private credit has emerged as an alternate source of financing for leveraged buyouts. Private credit, or direct lending, refers to financing provided by non-bank firms such as business-development companies (BDCs) or private funds. In fact, demand for private credit has continued to grow alongside a search for stability, according to Randy Schwimmer, co-head of senior lending at Churchill Asset Management LLC. Private credit is “well positioned to withstand higher interest rates and potential recession,” Schwimmer says. “Wide spreads, low leverage and tighter documentation on deals” is a “compelling combination.”

Doomed to Default?

Against the current economic backdrop, ratings agencies and banks alike have adjusted their default projections. Fitch Ratings raised its 2023 leveraged loan default rate forecast to 4 to 4.5%, up from 2 to 3% previously. Fitch increased its 2024 leveraged loan default rate to 3.5 to 4.5%. Year to date through May default volume totaled $25.8 billion, compared with $7.8 billion in the comparable period in 2022, according to Fitch.

Recovery rates on defaulted debts may be lower given the prevalence of the covenant-lite feature of many loans. With covenant-lite, the ability for a lender to reprice loans to reflect increased risk is less likely. In previous downturn cycles, loan pricing would increase in exchange for covenant relief, but fewer deals now contain robust lender protections.

CLO Woes

Higher borrowing costs and ratings downgrades may affect the collateralized loan obligation (CLO) market, as well. CLO portfolios are subject to various restrictions, one of which is limitation on holdings of CCC-rated assets, often set at 7.5%. Currently CCC-rated holdings average about 5%. Continuation of the recent wave of ratings downgrades could cause issuers to exceed the CCC threshold. Bank of America analysts foresee CCC buckets to increase to 8 to 10% and possibly as high as 15% in a “severe stress scenario.” When the CCC threshold is breached, cash distributions due to investors holding the riskiest CLO tranches (CCC), referred to as “equity investors,” are redirected to investors higher up in the CLO capital structure.

In addition to managing credit risk in a weakening economy, the combination of rising rates and ratings downgrades further complicates portfolio-management decisions. If ratings downgrades cause the CLO’s minimum weighted average credit-rating test to be violated, changes to the portfolio composition are required to improve the credit-rating test. This requirement would motivate portfolio managers to sell lower-rated loans and seek higher-rated, lower yielding loans. This in turn may exert pressure on the CLO’s minimum-interest coverage test.

Investor demand for CLOs picked up in May, yet still lags last year’s comparable year-to-date supply owing to a widely anticipated recession and the prospect of increased default rates. CLO liability costs have risen over the past year, narrowing expected returns earned on the difference between the income generated on loan assets and the cost of funding the CLO portfolio. In addition to limiting new CLO issuance, these market dynamics may limit managers’ ability to refinance and/or restructure existing deals exiting a non-call or reinvestment period. Barclays estimates that 90% of existing CLOs will move beyond their non-call dates by the end of this year.

Silver Lining Ahead?

Amid the low-interest-rate environment of preceding years, many borrowers were able to refinance debt, extend maturities, and reduce their cost of capital. The lack of near-term maturities will help keep default rates suppressed. Given the economic backdrop, banks are forecasting a recession in the second half of this year, with a recovery poised for 2024. Bank of America is predicting a “mild recession” and is slowing hiring, according to CEO Brian Moynihan, while Morgan Stanley expects a “strong” recovery in 2024 and sees “the market processing a much healthier earnings backdrop,” the bank wrote in a June 15 research note.

Strength of the job market, aside from the tech sector, remains another positive for now. If jobs data remains healthy, revenues should not fall as much as usual during a downturn.

Deal parties may benefit from an independent third-party administrative agent during a distressed market environment. An agent can provide convenience and efficiency for lenders and borrowers. Our loan agency team is available to answer questions.

Renee Kuhl

Managing Director, Loan Agency tel:612-509-2323

Renee is the managing director of the SRS Acquiom Loan Agency Group. With more than 15 years of experience as administrative and collateral agent on loan transactions and more than ten years managing teams in loan agency and restructuring products, she is an accomplished financial industry professional and leads the loan agency business globally.

Before joining SRS Acquiom, Renee served as an administrative vice president at Wilmington Trust, N.A., most recently leading the loan agency and restructuring products. In addition to her 10 years at Wilmington Trust, she also worked for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in the corporate trust and shareholder services departments.

Renee has a Juris Doctorate from Mitchell Hamline School of Law in Minnesota, and a B.A. in political science and history from Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California.

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